Alumni Events
Year 2013
Mentor in Law: Founding and Leading Your Own Firm
Piano Concert by world renowned Chinese pianist Yin Chengzong (殷承宗)
Beida Monthly on Sat. 10/19/13
Meet at the Museum - A Tour of Museum of American Finance
A Discussion with Members of the ECPU's PKU Venture Capital: Entrepreneurship in China
A Dinner Gathering with Members of the Entrepreneur Club of Peking University
Beauty of China, Show the World Concert
Beida Monthly on Sun. 8/25/13:
PKU Alumni Associations' Joint Summer Picnic
Beida Monthly on Thur. 7/25/13:
Mentor Series V "Finance: Research & Investment"
Beida Monthly on Sat. 6/29:
Open Planning Meeting I Followed by Film Viewing, Discussion and Dinner
- 以北大校友俞敏洪、王强及徐小平为原型的电影"中国合伙人"自上映以来,在校友中引起众多反响和争议,大纽约校友会在此邀请大家一起观赏此片,评议作品,回顾燕园,畅所欲言。
展望中国 - 张维迎教授和海闻副校长与北大校友和朋友分别见面谈话
Beida Monthly on 4/15:
Social Investment - Investing for Good
NYC Mayoral Candidates Forums Hosted by Asian American Federation
Senses of Reality - A Talk by Xi Chuan
北大笔会文学讨论会 Beida Pen Club on 3/2/13
Beida Monthly on Fri. 3/1/13 - "Tax Talk"
听黄西 • 庆元宵
Yuanxiao Festival with Joe Wong
"I Sing Beijing" Concert and Dinner
Year 2012
Event: Pre-Holiday Warm-Up Party
Beida Monthly on 11/17/12: Mentor Series IV
- “From Rome, All Roads Lead to Wonderful Places”
Beida Monthly Special: Academic Career Opportunities at Peking University
Beida Monthly on 9/30/12:
Mid-Autumn Change-a-Life Hike/Bike/Walk with CCPF and Friends
Beida Monthly on 8/16/12:
Mentor Series III - "War Stories and Life Choices for Wall Street Lawyers"
Beida Monthly on 7/21/12:
Meet at the Museum - MOMA
Beida Monthly on 6/19/12:
Saving the China Tigers - in Africa - Thinking Outside the Box
Beida Monthly on 3/12/12:
Mentor Series II "Finance: Trading & Investment"
Beida Monthly on 2/22/12:
Mentor Series I “Entrepreneurship”
Beida Monthly on 1/20/12:
2012 New Year Celebration: Honor the Past and Embrace the Future
Year 2011
5th Conference of the Peking University US Alumni Associations
Report » Gallery »
Visiting Speaker Zhen Liu:
Investing in China – Time to Hedge “中国投资的对冲时代”
Beida Monthly in September - A Talk on Networking and Career Opportunities in U.S. and China
Beida Monthly in August - A Panel Discussion on Hedge Funds in US and China
Beida Monthly in July: Dr. Loxley on Becoming an Excellent Communicator - 7.7.2011
Beida Summer in Flushing: A Discussion on Beida's Humanistic Tradition - 6.25.2011
Beida Monthly in June: A Talk on the Trend of Weakening Dollar and Rising RMB - 6.9.2011
Film Screening “There they were (此间的少年)” - 5.12.2011