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Beida Monthly in August - A Panel Discussion on Hedge Funds in US and China
Date: Thursday 8/11/2011
Time: 6:30PM – 8:00PM (Available to access at 6:00PM)
NYC Seminar & Conference Center,
71 West 23rd Street, Suite 515,
New York, NY 10010
- Global hedge funds have experienced
turmoils in recent months. What are the hedge fund investment trends in US?
Because all speakers have actively participated in the recent 2nd International Summit
on China's hedge fund investments, which was held in Shenzhen in July 2-3, what
are their views on hedge funds in China and Hong Kong?
陈楷峰(Kevin Chen), 法国东方汇理银行集团对冲基金投资部 董事总经理
丁大庆(William Ding), Woodbine Capital 前首席风险管理官
谢鹏飞(Pengfei Xie), EIM 董事总经理和合伙人
朱天华 (Tianhua Zhu), 高盛量化交易,董事总经理