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Beida Monthly on 4/17/12:
The Chinese Leadership Transition and Its Implications on China's Future Political Economy
Featured Speaker:
Professor Xiaobo Lu, Barnard College and Columbia University
Prof. Xiaobo Lu is a professor of Political Science at Barnard College, Columbia University. He is a faculty member of Weatherhead East Asian Institute and served as its Director from 2001 to 2007. He also served as the founding Director of Columbia Global Centers (East Asia) in Beijing in 2008-10. Prof. Lu teaches courses on Chinese politics, political economy, and comparative politics. His research interests include post-socialist transition, corruption and good governance, regulatory reforms, and government-business relations. As a principle investigator, he was responsible for leading an international research project, “Central-local relations and environmental governance in China”, funded by Global Public Policy Network (consisted of Columbia, LSE, and Sciences-po) in 2008-10. Currently he is working on a book manuscript, From Player to Referee: the Rise of the Regulatory State in China. He has published widely on these subjects. He is the author of the book Cadres and Corruption (2000). He is also a co-author of Danwei: Changing Chinese Workplace in Historical and Comparative Perspective (1997). His recent book (with Thomas Bernstein) is on the political and economic changes in the Chinese countryside, Taxation without Representation in Contemporary Rural China (2003). He was visiting professor at Tsinghua University, Jiaotong University in China; City University of Hong Kong; Institute of Political Science (Sciences-Po) and Paris University I-Sorbonne in Paris. He serves on the editorial boards of several international scholarly journals. He is a member of Council on Foreign Relations, Committee of 100, and the National Committee of US-China Relations. He is a regular commentator on China and US-China relations on PBS, CNN, BBC, and NPR and has delivered speeches and briefings to organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Asia Foundation, the Asia Society, World Affairs Council, National Committee for US-China Relations, American Center for International Leadership, Asia Society, the China Institute of America, and the Japan Society.
吕晓波博士,美国哥伦比亚大学、巴纳德学院政治学教授。曾任哥伦比亚大学东亚研究所所长,哥大全球中心(东亚)主任 。其学术研究领域包括比较政治、公共行政、中国政治经济、东亚政治经济及中美关系等。他的英文著述包括《单位体制的历史及比较研究》、《干部与腐败》、《中国当代农村税赋与民主》等书籍以及许多学术文章。目前正在写作《规制国家在计划经济后的崛起》一书。他还曾获得优秀教授奖。2003年应中国国家教育部之邀,他作为首批“海外汉学研究学者访华计划”学者访问中国,在清华大学和上海交通大学任访问教授,讲学研究,2007年至2009年在清华大学教授的课程包括《中国政治经济发展》及《中国政治》。2004 年香港城市大学和巴黎政治学院任客座教授及研究员。此外,吕晓波教授还曾在日本早稻田大学、英国牛津大学、法国高等社会科学研究院、巴黎大学、瑞典哥德堡大学和隆德大学讲学。作为哥伦比亚大学东亚研究所50多年历史上第一任亚裔所长,吕晓波教授除了学术研究和教学外还积极致力于促进美国公众对中国的了解以及中美关系的发展。他现为美国外交事务协会会员、美中关系全国委员会会员,曾是美国杰出华人组织"百人会"会员。他多次接受美国、英国、日本和中国各大新闻媒体就有关中国、东亚和中美关系问题的采访, 也曾在美国许多学术机构、智库、社会团体、公司讲演及咨询。
Language: Chinese and English
Date: Tuesday 4/17/12
Time: 6:30-8:30pm
Venue: Cafe China (13 E. 37th St, New York, NY 10016)
Cost: $25 cash on-site
RSVP: sold out with a waitlist available at
Inquiry: Vivien Chen at