5th Conference of the Peking University US Alumni Associations

Date: Saturday 12/3/2011
Time: 1:30pm - 9:30pm
Venue: Harvard Club of New York City (纽约哈佛会馆)
       35 West 44th Street
       New York, NY 10036
Dress Code: Business Attire


1:30 - 2:30pm Registration, Meet and Greet (with coffee and tea)
2:30 - 3:00pm Opening and Welcome Remarks
3:00 - 4:00pm Keynote Speeches by Prof. ZHU Shanlu, Chairman of Peking University Concil(北京大学党委书记朱善璐)
4:00 - 4:15pm Break
4:15 - 5:45pm Weiming Forum(未名论坛)
4:15 - 5:00pm Panel I Education: How to Prepare and Produce the Next Generation of Global Citizens?
5:00 - 5:45pm Panel II Alumni: What Have We Learned from Our Experiences and Lessons between U.S. and China?
5:45 - 6:00pm Break
6:00 - 7:30pm Reception (with wine, beer, juice, soft drink and hors d'oeuvres)
7:30 - 9:30pm Dinner (with banquet-style food and wine) emceed by Brother Sway (北美崔哥)

Dinner Emcc:

Brother Sway(北美崔哥): 全名崔宝印,北京人,毕业于北京外语师范大学英文系和北京大学国际文化专业双学士班。1988年赴美,曾在西雅图大学法学院就读。侨居美国西雅图二十多年,曾为波音公司总裁、微软公司总裁比尔盖茨、星巴克总裁做过同声翻译。2006年,又在西雅图为胡锦涛主席做过同声翻译。最早因在自家地下室表演“劝你不要来美国”而爆红于网络,现以“北美崔哥”脱口秀红遍海内外。崔哥的足迹遍及北美各州,以美国和加拿大西海岸为主,场场爆满,一票难求。崔哥的粉丝数以百万,遍布世界各地,在台湾香港和东南亚也有忠实的粉丝群,很多人场场必到。崔哥近年来开始回国发展,2011年,应邀在北京电视台和湖南卫视春晚表演,并且参加了达人秀,笑傲江湖等大型节目的录制,现场演出达二十多场。此外,和崔永元在洛杉矶同台主持了2011年中美企业高峰会,在美国首都DC主持了复旦大学百年校庆,在海南岛主持政协委员企业家年会,还应邀出任新华社网络电视将于2012年元月播放的“笑侃天下事”节目主播。他的脱口秀搞笑而不俗,幽默又不失其深刻,既有北京人的机智,又有美国文化的包容,可谓雅俗共赏。他的“中华民族到了该幽默的时候”一书即将在2012年由中央党校出版社出版。


The Harvard Club of New York, the city’s most exclusive private club, is ideally located in the heart of midtown Manhattan just steps from Grand Central Terminal and Bryant Park. Opened in 1894, the original three-story Neo-Georgian landmark preserves Harvard’s traditions and timeless legacy. One of the first buildings to be named a New York City Landmark because of its architectural magnificence and history, the Harvard Club is also listed on the National Register of Historic Places.